Be of Service 

Planning Committee:

H.C.I Campout Chair: Caroline 
Co-Chair: Nate
Programs/Meetings - Tony
Kids Camp Coordinator - Jada, Jax
Registration - Phillip
Nurse - Colleen
Raffles - Max
Kitchen Chair - Erica
Snack Shack Chair - Jimbo
Outreach Chair - Rogan
Volunteer Chair - Patrick
Lifeguard - CeCe
Treasurer - Dwight

Current positions still needing to be filled are:

Registration volunteers

NO DEED IS TOO SMALL! If you would be willing to help out once you arrive at the campground OR have another way you could be of service, please email us at

Let us know how you can help. 

Volunteer Coordinator:


(Text or Voicemail) 


Are you looking for a way to be helpful? 

This camp-out happens because of the magic and spirit of service in A.A.  

It is 100% planned and executed by members of A.A. who volunteer their experience and time.  It's an awesome opportunity to be of service in our local fellowship, and we could use your help! 

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