Food Menu


All meals with be provided to the camp attendees.

Due to fire risks, attraction of wildlife, and litter there will be no way for you to cook your own food without contacting the planning committee for special arrangements. 


*In order to plan appropriately and make sure we have enough food for the vegan/vegetarian campers, you may not have the vegan/vegetarian option unless you have registered as a vegan/vegetarian.


Friday Lunch: Hotdogs, Veggie Dogs, Chili, PBJs, Fruit.
Friday Dinner: Pasta, Salad, Garlic Bread, Cobbler.
Saturday Breakfast: Biscuits and Gravy (no meat,) Scrambled Eggs, Hash Browns, Sausage.
Saturday Lunch: Pulled Pork, Chicken, Potato Salad.
Saturday Dinner: Tri-tip, Corn, Baked Potato, Baked Beans, Cobbler.
Sunday Breakfast: Oatmeal, Yogurt, Bagels, Pancakes, Ham.

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